“I don't really think that computer games are going to have a major effect on our cultures any more or less than they do already. That said, I've heard about people getting jobs based on the fact that they've played certain games...”
This was an answer to question 7. I believe that it's very possible that people could take inspiration from games when making bigger life choices, with both positive and negative effects.
“Games will continue to improve at the same time only mildly effecting the world around. Until one day they become too good too immersive and a “better than life” scenario happens.
People start dying all over the world from not eating or drinking , governments will then ban all gaming causing all gamers and geeks to rise up and fight, how ever in doing so they will accidentally create an AI that will threaten to annihilate civilisation as we know it.
In response to this the worlds remaining governments use cloning to recreate raptors and necromancy to raise zombies.
The ensuing battle will decimate the world leaving only remnants of the robot army a zombie raptor horde and a small pocket of geeks left fighting for humanity.
After 87 years the geeks will eventually win out and create a new utopian society.”
This is another answer to question 7, and the same person said the following to question 5.
“I think it exists but I wouldn't call it a culture.”
This was very interesting as I would say that the answer to number 7 was a good representation of a "stereotypical" gamer/geek answer. Although I don't like to use the word stereotypical to describe a type of gamer. Not everyone within the "gaming world" would agree it was a culture. Personally I find this a little odd because people within the culture can see so much more of it, they are more connected to its true meaning.
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